Eleiko - Weightlifting For Sports

I am very proud to announce that Reebok CrossFit 3D will be hosting Eleiko and Colin Buckley for the Weightlifting for Sports Trainer Course, Friday 6th - Sunday 8th June 2014. Below is some information on the course. This will be an excellent opportunity for coaches and athletes to develop! I have already signed up.


Olympic Weightlifting has changed and evolved over the recent years. Learn the art of coaching the Olympic lifts of the Snatch, the Clean and Jerk and assistance exercises from World Class Weightlifting Coach Educators. Increase your own knowledge, safety guidelines in your Box / Gym and optimizing performance of all your members. 

This course is also suitable for Crossfitters, Strength & Conditioning /Sports Performance Practitioners, Health & Fitness Professionals who are introducing and coaching people the Olympic weightlifting movements. 


The aim of the coaching course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the many different methods, viewing the pros and cons associated with these and how to develop key technical coaching models to ensure maximum benefit and safety for your athlete or client. The course will focus on the typical and not so typical compensations seen and focus on strategies to improving lifting competencies. 

Course Contents: 

Safety in Weightlifting 

Bio-mechanics of weightlifting 

Coaching principles 

The role of Postural Analysis and Functional Movement Assessment 

Progression lifts and Classical lifts 

Adaption of exercises for sports 

Technique Assessment and correction 

Progressive Resistance Principles 

Developing training programs 


The coach will learn and practice the Core lifts (Clean and Jerk and the Snatch). Methods will include the “Top Down” the “Ground Up” the “Hang position”

Be able to coach and correct weightlifting skills and ensure that each athlete has the opportunity for optimal learning, development and performance. “Learner Centred” 

Outline and explain the background and principles of planning and preparing weightlifting training programs for fitness and sport. “Principles of Training” 

Prepare a program that meets the needs of the athlete/ team under their supervision and adjust it to meet the demands of their sport. “Periodisation” 

Demonstrate a range of practical coaching approaches in weightlifting. “Coaching Competency” 

Course Duration: 6th-8th June

Friday 6th 10.00am – 5.00pm 

Saturday7th 9.00am – 5.00pm 

Sunday 8th 9.00am – 2.00pm 

Course Fees: £400.00 

All course materials, course manual and snacks are included in the price. 

Information and Applications Forms E-mail: Eleikoweightliftingforsports@gmail.com