Reebok CrossFit 3D recognised by Highways Agency

We are very proud to announce that Reebok CrossFit 3D has been recognised by the Highways Agency.

What does this mean?

In short it means we now have 3 of the brown tourist signs placed on major roads around the Trafford Centre in Manchester directing people towards the gym. With around 35 million visits to the shopping centre each year, there will be a lot more members of the general public being exposed to the presence of CrossFit in our local area.

More than this, it also means that government agencies are starting to see and believe in how popular CrossFit is becoming within the United Kingdom. The number of gyms has risen rapidly in recent years with around 35 gyms in the UK in 2011 to over 300 in the UK today! This is a similar rate of growth that companies like Starbucks have experienced.

What does it mean for the gym?

We hope that the increased visibility of the gym will help to drive new members to us and expand our constantly growing family. You lovely lot are what makes our gym such an awesome place to be.

Thank you.
